Providing outsourcing opportunities to women youth in Afghanistan

  1. Background

UNDP supports stabilization, state-building, governance, and development priorities in Afghanistan. UNDP support, in partnership with the Government, the United Nations System, the donor community and other development stakeholders, has contributed to institutional development efforts leading to positive impact on the lives of Afghan citizens. Over the years UNDP support has spanned such milestone efforts as the adoption of the Constitution, Presidential, Parliamentary and Provincial Council elections, institutional development through capacity building to the legislative, the judicial and executive arms of the state, and key ministries, Government agencies and commissions at the national and subnational levels.

UNDP has been working across Afghanistan for more than 50 years on challenges related to climate change and resilience, gender, governance, health, livelihoods, and rule of law. Area Based Approach to Development Emergency Initiatives (ABADEI) is a UNDP led local economic recovery programme that brings UN agencies and many (I)NGOs and Civil Society Organization (CSO) partners together, through a coherent approach and funding platform, to enable joined-up programming, wide geographic coverage, and results at scale. ABADEI’s focus is to help meet basic human needs and services, by revitalizing local markets and helping local communities rebuild their own lives and livelihoods. Enhancing human security and reducing the humanitarian caseload is fundamental to its approach. ABADEI interventions provide an integrated response to the economic crisis in the country through 1) the provision of essential services, 2) investments in community livelihoods and local economic activities, 3) protecting farming and farmlands from natural disasters, and 4) building community resilience and social cohesion.

The ABADEI programme combines a local area-based programme approach within each of Afghanistan’s administrative regions, with specific vertical sector initiatives. These six sector initiatives include: renewable energy, health systems strengthening, tertiary education, banking and finance services, CSO/NGO capacity strengthening and private sector development.

About 63.7 percent of Afghans are under 25 years of age[1]. According to the United Nations, about 97 percent of Afghanistan’s population[2] (the majority of whom are young and have excellent working potentials) may soon sink below the poverty line. According to the Borgen Project, approximately 300,000 students were attending colleges and universities as of 2019[3]. With girls and women being banned by the Taliban from going to school in Afghanistan and many educated Afghans migrating to the US and elsewhere, that number could be even smaller. That is a tiny percentage of the whole population. However, that little number is the hope for a brighter future in Afghanistan. If they are ignored, not only will poverty prevail in the country, but there is a high risk that they may fall into the trap of extremism. The world cannot and should not ignore the crisis unfolding in Afghanistan. The new generation of educated Afghans is the output of the most significant investment by the international community in the last two decades in Afghanistan. Untapped resources of professionals living in Afghanistan and the troubled region could be connected virtually to the high demand for expertise in the US and other developed countries. The past year of working virtually due to COVID proved that physical distance is no longer a barrier to work performance. Regardless of the challenges, freelancing might be an option for so many qualified workers in Afghanistan who overnight lost their jobs. For some, like Afghan women and girls, they lost their rights to education and work. They could provide a wide range of services depending on their background and education, such as translation, research, IT solutions, graphic designing, coding, administrative services, customer services, accounting, teaching, and so much more.

An estimated 1.1 billion freelancers majority of whom are below age 30, are offering their services worldwide. According to one source[4], freelancing income was almost $1.2 trillion in 2020, and their average fee was $21 per hour. Some new data suggest that in most countries, freelancers earn more than average workers. Asia recorded the most significant regional growth in freelancing. Pakistan and India in the region are among the fastest-growing freelancing countries.

Outsourcing has the potential to drive significant economic growth in developing countries like Afghanistan by creating jobs, increasing wages, and fostering new industries. It plays a crucial role in reducing poverty and promoting sustainable development. Outsourcing is the process where many business firms or companies hire an employee to complete their business-related work or functions and pay enough money. Outsourcing can be both domestic and foreign contracting. Sometimes it is offshoring or near-shoring. But the business firms usually prefer to contract with distant countries employees because it reduces their certain cost. And it is a great motivation for the people of offshoring or distant country because they get many wages compared with their native countries’ jobs salary. Outsourcing or freelancing is beneficial for both business firms and the employee.

The concept of outsourcing is simple and straightforward: non-critical business functions are passed on to economies that have lower labor market rates. Such functions include customer service, bookkeeping, accounting, marketing and human resources, among others. Everyone, regardless of their gender, has the opportunity to offer their services and skills to clients around the world. It seems companies, for various reasons, prefer outsourcing work to freelancers in certain situations. In Pakistan, for instance, recent data showed women freelancers earning 10% more than men. Considering the economic situation in Afghanistan, the discrimination against women, and the economic crisis, any income might help families as immediate relief.

  • Project Description

In a world increasingly connected through digital platforms, freelancing has emerged as a viable opportunity for individuals to showcase their skills, work remotely, and earn a living. Any popular e-work freelancing site provides a global platform for freelancers to offer their services and connect with potential clients. Therefore, the project focuses on the potential of engaging the youth of Afghanistan into freelancing through e work sites that helps in empowering them with economic opportunities and fostering skill development. Engaging the youth of Afghanistan in the world of freelancing using the popular e-work platform. With a growing population of talented and motivated individuals in Afghanistan, this project seeks to provide them with opportunities to develop their skills, generate income, and contribute to the country’s economic growth. It is expected that by leveraging potential e-work platform would generate results toward empower Afghan youth to thrive in the digital marketplace and enhance their socio-economic prospects considers following aspects throughout endeavors:

  1. Unleashing Afghanistan’s Youth Potential: Afghanistan boasts a young population, with a significant portion seeking employment opportunities. However, traditional job markets face challenges due to limited resources and security concerns. Introducing Afghan youth to freelancing on e-work platform can tap into their potential, providing an alternative avenue for sustainable income generation and professional growth.
    1.  Promoting Digital Skills: Freelancing on most e-work sites requires proficiency in a variety of digital skills, such as graphic design, content writing, web development, video editing, and more. By encouraging Afghan youth to acquire and refine these skills, we can empower them to participate in the global digital economy and expand their horizons beyond local limitations.
    1. Overcoming Infrastructure Challenges: Access to stable internet connectivity and reliable power supply can be challenging in Afghanistan. Addressing these infrastructure barriers is crucial to ensure the successful engagement of Afghan youth on e-work plat form. Collaborations with local and international organizations can help improve internet access and provide necessary training programs to enhance technical skills.
    1. Building a Supportive Ecosystem: Creating a supportive ecosystem is essential to facilitate the successful transition of Afghan youth into the world of freelancing. This ecosystem can involve mentorship programs, online communities, and skill development initiatives. Local organizations, government bodies, and international partners can collaborate to provide guidance, training, and resources tailored to the unique needs of Afghan freelancers.
    1. Cultural and Linguistic Advantage: Afghanistan’s rich cultural heritage and multilingual population provide a distinct advantage for Afghan freelancers. They can leverage their language skills, cultural understanding, and local insights to offer specialized services to clients worldwide. By highlighting this unique advantage, Afghan youth can attract more opportunities and differentiate themselves in the global freelancing market.
    1. Facilitating Financial Transactions: E work site provides a secure and reliable platform for freelancers to receive payments for their services. Efforts should be made to educate Afghan youth on how to set up and manage financial transactions on e-work platform, including creating a verified payment account, handling invoices, and withdrawing earnings. Collaboration with local banks and financial institutions can further streamline these processes.
    1. Showcasing Success Stories: Sharing success stories of Afghan freelancers who have flourished on e-work platform can serve as powerful motivation for aspiring freelancers. These stories can be highlighted through various channels, including social media, local media outlets, and community events. Celebrating the achievements of Afghan freelancers will inspire others to explore freelancing as a viable career option.
  • Objective of Services

The TOR seeks a service provider to assist the UNDP in implementing the ‘Providing outsourcing opportunities to women and youth in Afghanistan’ initiative. This project aims to educate, train, and support Afghan women and youth in building successful freelancing careers through the e-work platform. By imparting the necessary skills, knowledge, and guidance to unlock their potential and provide them with a pathway towards financial independence and personal growth. The project is expected to offer support to women in Afghanistan receive education and develop skills that will help them make income in the digital world, build skills of participants linked to high demand areas in the global freelancing world and promote job opportunities on e-work platforms. It is mentioned worthy that engaging the women and youth of Afghanistan in freelancing through e work platform has the potential to unlock a new era of economic empowerment, skill development, and global connectivity. By providing opportunities, building a supportive ecosystem, and leveraging Afghanistan’s unique advantages, we can help the youth tap into their talents, break the barriers of traditional employment, and contribute to their country’s growth. The collaboration of various stakeholders, including the government, organizations, and international partners, is crucial to realizing this vision and fostering a brighter future for Afghan youth.

  • Scope of Work

In a world increasingly connected through digital platforms, freelancing has emerged as a viable opportunity for individuals to showcase their skills, work remotely, and earn a living. Therefore, the project is envisaging to engage with a popular e-work freelancing site, provides a global platform for freelancers to offer their services and connect with potential clients. UNDP Afghanistan is intending to have proposal focuses on the potential of engaging the youth of Afghanistan into freelancing through e-work freelancing site, empowering them with economic opportunities and fostering skill development. The proposed project endeavors to assist 100 Afghan women and youth to build skills linked to high demand areas in the global freelancing world, for promoting job opportunities on the e work platform. Activities to be carried out to achieve above objectives following activities would require to be conducted:

  1. Trainings Workshops: Organize a series of training workshops to introduce Afghan women and youth to freelancing concepts, e-work platform navigation, profile creation, gig creation, and effective communication with clients. The workshops may be conducted by experienced freelancers and industry experts.
    1. Skill Development: To enhance the employability of Afghan youth, we will offer training programs focused on specific freelancing skills in demand on e-work sites, such as graphic design, content writing, web development, digital marketing, and translation services. These programs will be designed to cater to participants’ skill levels and will include practical assignments and assessments.
    1. Mentorship and Coaching: To ensure continuous support and guidance, the service provider will establish a mentorship program connecting experienced freelancers with novice Afghan freelancers. Mentors will provide one-on-one guidance, share insights, and help mentees navigate challenges they may face on the platform.
    1. Community Building: The interested service provider shall create an online community platform where Afghan freelancers can interact, exchange knowledge, share success stories, and seek advice from peers. The platform will foster collaboration, networking, and a sense of belonging, encouraging freelancers to stay motivated and engaged.
    1. Market Exposure: To promote the services of Afghan freelancers, the service provider shall need to collaborate with e work sites to organize virtual events and campaigns showcasing their work. This exposure will help Afghan freelancers gain visibility, attract clients, and establish a positive reputation within the global freelancing community.

To implement the outlined interventions, the service provider is required to conduct the following:

  1. Develop a capacity building programme that will provide a basic skill to Afghan women and youth to access freelancing platforms. The profile of the programme should be recommended by the contractor and could include areas as graphic designer, coding specialists on Python, Data Analytics, back-end and front-end developers, etc. The specific content and area should be selected depending on demanded areas in the freelance platforms, however covering at least two areas of specialization.  The educational program can be designed in partnership with the local partners.
  2. Conduct 3 one day webinars and online informational campaign (e.g. through Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads) covering at least 200 young women and men, from 18 to 40 ages, eligible to apply for education programme. The targeted women and youth for webinar will be gathered from local partner that will be selected by UNDP separately.
  3. Recruit 100 Afghan women and men in 4 batches (25 per batch). Target group can be college/ university graduates particularly in business, English language, information technology, etc. The local service provider will be selected by UNDP that will be supporting for the recruitment of Afghan women and youth, the contractor should provide the criteria, media promotion and conduct review and selection of applications.
  4. Conduct course for 100 selected Afghan women and youth. The modality of the trainings should be merge of offline and online options with prioritization to the online platform and covering below details:
    1. Provide each group with training around a specific subject (one per group, e.g. application integration, Data Analytics.) The specific subject will be decided based on the success probability on e-work platform and the availability of training.
    1. All participants must have good communication skills (including command of the English language) and tech skills.
    1. The student should be provided access to the online learning resources that should be identified by the contractor. The online learning resource should be existing and it is not expected to design new resource within this initiative.
    1. The expected length of the program is expected from 5 weeks, including 8 hours per week depending on modality proposed by contractor. The courses will be published on e-work learning site and participants will get free access to the classes. All classes should be taught in the English language.
  5. Run a survey/test to evaluate the knowledge and skills before and after the program. A testing/certification program should be designed to ensure that the candidates are at the required level upon graduation.
  6. The freelance / e-work platform should be selected to ensure employment of selected and trained Afghan women and youth. The brief brochure on the requirements for registration in the selected freelance platform should be developed in English language presenting opportunities to Afghan youth on getting remote employment opportunities. The freelance platform should provide onboarding training to those who qualified, to provide digital services on the platform. At least 40 Afghan women and youth should be registered as a service provider in the selected freelancer platform.
  7. Post profile and necessary background details for at least 30 selected Afghan youth and women in the freelance platform.
  8. The e-work platform should assist in provision of services of registered Afghan women and youth, as well as provide mentorship support in order to promote services and get orders from the potential vendors. The 30 registered service providers will be expected to open a seller profile on selected e-work platform and a mentor will be assigned to them.
  9. At least per two individual mentorship and orientation sessions should be conducted to each of 30 registered services providers by qualified experts for a period of at least 2 months.
  10. Facilitate the process of receiving enough good reviews by the registered Afghan women and youth service providers, who will be able to sell on the marketplace further. The freelance platform should promote at least 20 sellers from registered Afghan women and youth through special webpage for highlighting registered Afghan women and youth in the platform to ensure sufficient number of orders and promotion of products.
  11. The respective community in the platform or social media, e.g. WhatsApp or Telegram should be created to promote knowledge and experience exchange among participants.
  12. Facilitate receiving at least 30 orders by the registered Afghan women and youth in the freelancing platform.
  13. All project events and activities timely and regularly should be covered in mass and social media. At least two stories of success should be published in mass and/or social media.
  14. A progress report on the programme, describing the results achieved, as well as financial reports, have been prepared and submitted to UNDP.
  • Expected Deliverables

The contractor shall be paid upon satisfactory submission and acceptance of deliverables by UNDP according to the following schedule:





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