Contract for ServicesBetween the United Nations Development Programme and OSID

Country Where Goods Will be Delivered and/or Services Will be Provided: Afghanistan
2.  UNDP [ ]Request for Quotation [X] Request for Proposal [  ]Invitation to Bid [   ] direct contracting      REFERENCE: RFP UNDP-AFG-00238 Date:03 August 2023.
3.  Contract Reference:
4.  Long Term Agreement: [No]
5.  Subject Matter of the Contract: [  ] goods              [ X ] services            [  ] goods and services
6.  Type of Services:  Providing outsourcing opportunities to women youth in Afghanistan. The detailed TOR has been attached as Annex II.
7.  Contract Starting Date: 3 December 20238.  Contract Ending Date:  3 June 2024  
  The price of this Contract is not subject to any adjustment or revision because of price or currency fluctuations, or the actual costs incurred by the Contractor in the performance of the Contract. The price of this Contract is not subject to any adjustment or revision because of price or currency fluctuations, or the actual costs incurred by the Contractor in the performance of the Contract.Payments effected by UNDP to the Contractor shall be deemed neither to relieve the Contractor of its obligations under this Contract nor as acceptance by UNDP of the Contractor’s performance of the Services.UNDP shall affect payments to the Contractor after the achievement of deliverables and acceptance by UNDP of the invoices submitted by the Contractor to the address specified in 15. below,Invoices shall indicate the milestones achieved and the corresponding amount payable.   The Contractor shall provide the services to UNDP as per the table of deliverables specified hereunder according to the following schedule and the payment will be processed based on the achievement of the following milestones:   S.N. Deliverables Timeline % of Payment Subtotal (USD) 1 • Developed a detailed action plan and agreed with UNDP.
• Developed a capacity building programme that will provide skill to Afghan women and youth to access freelancing platforms. The programme should contain below areas as graphic designer, coding specialists on Python, Data Analytics, back-end and front-end developers, etc. The educational program should be agreed with UNDP.
• Organized 3 webinars on opportunities of outsourcing platforms and covering at least 200 young women and men, from 18 to 40 ages, eligible to apply for education programme. One month upon contract signature     2 • Recruited and started course for 100 Afghan women and men in 4 batches (25 per batch.) Target group can be college/university graduates particularly in business, English language and information technology.
• The freelance / e-work platform selected to ensure employment of selected and trained Afghan women and youth. The brief brochure on the requirements for registration in the selected freelance platform developed in English language presenting opportunities to Afghan youth on getting remote employment opportunities.
• Created community in the platform or social media, e.g. WhatsApp or Telegram to promote knowledge and experience exchange among participants. Four months upon contract signature     3 • Conducted course for 100 selected Afghan women and men with the duration of up to 3 months.
• Provided certificates for successful graduates of the course.
• Posted profile and necessary background details for at least 30 selected Afghan youth and women in the freelance platform.
• Conducted special campaigns to promote services of Afghan women and youth in the freelance platform.
• Conducted at least per two individual mentorship and orientation sessions should be conducted to each of 30 registered services providers by qualified experts.
• The freelance platform promoted at least 20 sellers from registered Afghan women and youth through special webpage and related tools to ensure sufficient number of orders and promotion of products. Seven months upon contract signature     4 • At least 30 orders received and implemented by the selected Afghan women and youth affecting their income level. The respective support is provided during the implementation of orders.
• A least 10 posts on the process and results of the initiative should be posted, highlighting contribution from donor agencies (UNDP and government of Japan). At least 2 success storis are posted in the mass or social media.
• Submission of final report in English on conducted activities with qualitative and quantitative results, indicating lessons learnt and recommendations for future interventions. Seven months upon contract signature       Total 7 months         9a.  Advance Payment:  Not applicable   9b. Special conditions: The responsibility for the safety and security of the Contractor and its personnel and property, and of UNDP’s property in the Contractor’s custody, rests with the Contractor.All the above shall form the contract between the Contractor and UNDP, superseding the contents of any other negotiations and/or agreements, whether oral or in writing, pertaining to the subject of this Contract.   Security:  The Contractor shall:put in place an appropriate security plan and maintain the security plan, taking into account the security situation in the country where the services are being provided;assume all risks and liabilities related to the Contractor’s security and the full implementation of the security plan.Insurance: The Contractor shall also provide and thereafter maintain liability insurance in an adequate amount to cover third party claims for death or bodily injury.UNDP reserves the right to verify whether such a plan is in place and to suggest modifications to the plan when necessary. Failure to maintain and implement an appropriate security plan as required hereunder shall be deemed a breach of this contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Contractor shall remain solely responsible for the security of its personnel and for UNDP’s property in its custody as set forth in paragraph above.   Anti-terrorism: The Contractor agrees to undertake all reasonable efforts to ensure that none of the UNDP funds received under this Contract are used to provide support to individuals or entities associated with terrorism and that the recipients of any amounts provided by UNDP hereunder do not appear on the list maintained by the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999). The list can be accessed via This provision must be included in all sub-contracts or sub-agreements entered into under this Contract.  
11.  Payment Method: As per the deliverables mentioned above. 11.a Time and manner of payment Invoices shall be paid within thirty (30) days of the date of their acceptance by UNDP. UNDP shall make every effort to accept an invoice or so advise the Contractor of its non-acceptance within a reasonable time from receipt.All payments shall be made by UNDP to the Contractor’s Bank account.      
12.  Contractor’s Name: Organization for Sustainable Integrated Development (OSID) Address: PD#10, Shahr-e-Now, Kabul, Afghanistan Country of incorporation: Afghanistan
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